Żabka Nano and YOU!

Discover new opportunities for your business.

Meet Nano

or unmanned stores of the future

Connecting the online and offiline world.

A new shopping experience for the customers, who can shop literally in seconds and effortlessly. They simply walk into Nano, grab products from the shelf and walk out. That’s it! They don’t scan the merchandise, because the camera system calculates the value of their bill on its own.

Nano can be set up multiple locations:

Office buildings

Shopping malls and big-box stores

Universities and dormitories

Logistics centers and workplaces

Housing estates

Communication points


Modular store, ready to be inserted into existing buildings.


Freestanding container to be placed outside. 


Store adapting commercial premises.

Assortment always tailored to the location!

Our product range is always tailored to the specifications of the place. Our office store has completely different products than a neighborhood convenience store. Together with you, we will choose what should be on the shelves in the Nano.

The store itself accommodates between 450 and 1,000 different products.

We tailor our product range to the specifics of the place.

Nano values

Learn about the values and capabilities of the unmanned Żabka Nano store.

No cash registers

All you need is a payment card or the Żappka app.


Nano can be set up in any location, even those difficult to access for a traditional store model. The store can range in size from 8 m2 to 40 m2.

Lead time

Formally, the Nano unmanned store is a vending machine, which allows for a fairly quick launch.


Well suited to the location and emphasizing the modern format.

Tailored offer

We will create a tailored assortment offer for you based on your target audience and location!

Business model

Business model We focus on a partnership approach. Together we will work out the most advantageous way to cooperate in opening a store.

Where to find us

Press releases

“The convenience store of the future – Żabka,
has arrived in New York”

“The largest network of autonomous stores in Europe”

“Żabka Nano in USA? Yes, we can!”

Get in touch

If you’d like to learn more about Żabka Nano’s business opportunities, please contact us.

    „Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest Żabka Polska sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Poznaniu, ul. Stanisława Matyi 8, 61-586 Poznań. W sprawach związanych z ochroną danych osobowych można kontaktować się z inspektorem ochrony danych poprzez e-mail: iod@zabka.pl lub pisemnie na adres siedziby administratora. Pani/Pana dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu obsługi zgłoszeń w formularzu kontaktowym dotyczącym współpracy i nawiązania ewentualnej współpracy. Więcej informacji o przetwarzaniu danych osobowych, w tym o przysługujących Pani/Panu prawach znaleźć można w Polityce prywatności.

    Uzupełnienie pól oznaczonych jako fakultatywne stanowi zgodę na przetwarzanie wpisanych danych osobowych przez Żabka Polska sp. z o.o. w celu obsługi zgłoszeń w formularzu kontaktowym dotyczącym współpracy i nawiązania ewentualnej współpracy. Zgodę można wycofać w każdym czasie na przykład poprzez adres e-mail: iod@zabka.pl. Wycofanie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania dokonanego przed jej wycofaniem.”

    Frequently asked questions

    Want to know more? Below we answer the most frequently asked questions about Żabka Nano.

    No, in legal terms Nano is a vending machine. It does not require a building permit, even if you adapt a traditional space.

    Indoor&Outdoor stores as vending machines are exempt from regulations. A brick-and-mortar store is subject to these regulations.

    Nano relies on 32A protection and needs constant access to electricity.

    In case of abnormalities, contact the customer support center: 61 856 37 00.